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Psychic Services Offered

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** I NO LONGER TAKE ON LOST OR MISSING PET ore people CASES.  Unfortunately these cases can be emotional due to the lack of closure involved and information can be hard to accept.  These cases are time consuming and can take weeks, if not months to track, especially with a missing pet who is likely on the move.  Psychic remote tracking is not my niche.  My area of focus is the happiness, behavior, health, aging, transitioning and the afterlife of your pets and well being, growth, and insig for people. 

Pet Psychic Services

Pet Psychic Services

Pet Psychic Reading

This reading brings messages of what your pet may be going through, how they feel, or what they need from you. You provide a photo and I will telepathically connect to your pet. I will write up what I receive in a google document and then we can discuss and answer any other questions you may have. 

Pet Mediumship Reading

When we lose our pet, it is like losing a part of our family and it can leave us with some really bad feelings and sometimes questions. I can help you connect to your passed animal friend to receive messages that help with answering questions, provide relief, comfort and peace.

Pet Oracle Card Reading

This is an Oracle Card Reading about your pets!  You get a total of 12 cards pulled for your pet covering what they want you to know, their spiritual nature and what they my need physically or any other topics I am drawn to, along with some psychic intuitive insight based in animal communication.  I will compile a report that I share a link to and then we can discuss, ask questions and clarify.  

People Psychic Services

People Psychic Services

Sometimes we all have a little trouble connecting to our intuition. It can be hard to discern what is coming from a Higher place, rather than our ego self. I am able to hear, see and feel what many other people disregard. I can use these gifts to help you know what your options are on your path. I best work from a recent photo. 

People mediumship readings are no longer a focus of mine but can be done by special request.

Psychic Reading

Bone throwing means to cast a collection of bones, seashells, stones and other items or curios onto a surface to read messages in the energy of each piece and in the patterns of how the pieces fall and “speak” to each other.  This reading will be intuitive and guided by Spirit, Ancestors and my helper spirits.  The idea is based on animism or the belief that all things - plants, animals, rocks and even inanimate objects have spirit.  Every piece has a meaning, Each piece tells a story, and here is the story of you!

Bone Throwing Divination Reading

Intuitive Oracle Card Reading Price Varies, About $1 per card With a combination of psychic ability, intuition and card descriptions, we can sort out a plan for your path. Readings can vary from 3 cards up to 28 cards depending on the spread we choose. There are a variety of spreads to choose from, covering many situations. You can find a list of them here.  I also have multiple decks with different energies to accommodate the issue or task at hand. This is my most popular Divination service. I do these as a report that I share a link to and then we discuss, ask questions, whatever you need. Ask me for details!

Intuitive Oracle Card Reading

Rune Stones are from old Scandinavian Culture, used for divination, much in the way oracle cards and tarot are. Each stone has a symbol with meaning and a drawn spread can show your situation and possible paths.  Delivered in Report form.

Rune Stone Reading

Any animal can be a totem with symbology. This is a written report based on a few things you tell me-- 1. Your favorite animal, 2. An animal you dislike or fear, 3. an animal that is significant for you (special experience, dream of, or see in symbols all the time, etc). I use this for a reading that is between a psychic intuitive reading and a spirit animal reading! It is PACKED with information and can be up to 3 PAGES! I can email or send in a message. Can take time to receive report.

Animal Spirit Report

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