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My Journey...

My journey started when I was just a little girl and used to talk to trees and animals by feeling and listening.  I could communicate with them without saying a word. I spent a lot of time in my imagination, thinking about what qualities I would have if I was a particular animal or another.  I didn’t know that carried intuitive significance or that I was engaging in animal communication. The first dream I remember was at 5 years old when I dreamed of one of my spirit animals… the crocodile, who gave me a message about exploring the world, telling the truth, and being kind.

Over the years, especially as a teenager, I began being able to speak to spirits but I still had so many questions about what was going on.  This is the first time I started automatic or channel writing but I was fearful.

At 18 years old, I became a Green Witch after being drawn to Earth’s energies. I was always searching for the “right” fit. One day a light came on for my personal belief and I said to myself, “What if it is all true?”, or at least comes from the same truth.  Now I believe all paths are valid and all paths lead to the light. I had many strong visions about this and have focused on Spiritual Growth as a whole. There are multiple dimensions that we have barely just scratched the surface of. I am always questing to learn more about the Truth of our Souls.

In my channeling, I began to connect to Mother Gaia, a symbol of the Divine Feminine herself.   I have been greatly humbled by listening to the wisdom of the Earth. This started in a practical way as I pursued my degree in environmental studies but grew with my spirituality.

Naturally, I pursued jobs and careers along the way that involved animals.  I am just happy being in their presence in any way, shape or form. Besides having many types of pets on my own, I also spent many years in the Pet Industry but my favorite part was always helping people really understand and care for their pets in the best ways possible.  One of the most rewarding times of my life was when I picked up an internship at a Bird Aviary and continued on for a couple years as a Relief Keeper and Interactive Keeper. I have participated in training programs for larger birds like cranes, vultures, curassow and emu. Then, I began reconnecting with animals on a Spirit and Soul Level.  There are so many things we can learn from amazing animal ambassadors who come to teach us if we just Connect! I feel I have the knowledge and intuition to help my clients with any questions they have about their furry, feathered, scaly friends in any capacity.

About 3 years or so ago, I had a spiritual awakening. I saw a white orb in my children’s room and came to find out that many spirits were trapped in our home. I had been feeling paranoid and as if I was being watched and called on a psychic to help me sort everything out and cross those spirits over. She said I was being called on my path and that she sensed I was a strong psychic but wasn’t open yet.

Since then I have been remembering, learning and healing.  I’ve had to do a lot of work on what it means to be an empath, how to protect myself, how to receive Guidance.  I have had to clear old energy, to face old demons and to accept who I am and learn what energy means. I know that I am able to connect to other realms and I wish to help others like myself, find their truths and reconnect to ancient energetic wisdoms.  We all have the ability to do this!

I have a specialty in reading pets (animal communication).  I first discovered this in a mediumship class when a horse reached out to speak to me from the Other Side.  I’ve since connected to many clients and their pets and have valued every second!


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